From smoking cigarettes to being smoke free (again)…
Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you. – Rob Gilbert
Smoking has been an addiction for me for a long time… Fortunately I can quit too… That’s a big believe, I’m the one choosing a cigarette or refuse one. Well I chose one (a couple every day) the last couple of weeks/months.
A little history:
We quit in the Netherlands when we moved to Sydney. I mean the prices for cigarettes in Australia are a motivation to quit, trust me…
And to step in a airplane and you don’t have an opportunity to smoke for almost 24hours helps me with the first bit of quitting an addiction.
So why did I start again. Well I was surrounded by cigarettes again, because my mother in law came to visit. And honestly it’s still my choice to light one by myself, but it’s a fact if you’re around cigarettes again and you don’t have to buy… and I thought I can handle it. Only one puff during the evening and then it goes to one cigarette, then it’s only in the weekend, in the evening… Going to The Netherlands, wow the cigarettes are so cheap here, we will quit after the holiday…
So I call the above sentences; excuses… And I am very good at them… 🙂 (Awareness is the key, to make choices again…)
The cigarette had me wrapped around his little finger… (felt that way) Sometimes it’s easier to choose a cigarette, then quit. Well I reckon it’s good to know that sometimes I have weaknesses… For me it’s a cigarette…
I am counting the smoke free days again! 🙂 I am hapy to share with you all, that I quit one week ago!
Liefs, Miranda